It is calling for "Idea based resistance" to the drastic changes occuring in the new federal government. On April 15th, they will hold events in Nashville, Knoxville, and Cookeville as well as many other locations across the Nation.
A challenger to Bart Gordon for the Representative of the 6th District seat has joined the Tennessee chapter of the organization, as of last night. David L. Evans is a Citizen-Soldier from Wartrace, TN and has declared his 2010 campaign for Congress.
We welcome Mr Evans to the debate and look forward to exploring the positions with him.
We hope that the organization will not be mischaracterized but recognize the name alone is sufficient for the media to do so. The following statement is important and is found below the profiles of the leadership of the organization:
"I affirm that ResistNet is for principled, patriotic resistance to Barack
Obama's ideology and agenda and is not a forum for personal attacks, lewd or
profane language, or militancy against Barack Obama or others. " TN Resistnet Phil Dedrick
Welcome to the debate Mr. Evans.
It’s funny how Rep. Bart Gordon calls himself a “blue dog” but is basically walking in lock-step with the expansion of government while also wasting taxpayer money on trips to Europe for him and his wife.
Mr Bernard, Many citizens of the 6th District are unhappy with the performance of Rep Gordon, particularly in the last 6 months.
Rep Gordon is a "nice guy," but has not demonstrated the "moderate" views of the Blue Dog we elected.
The proud tradition of our Democratic District, dating back before Andrew Jackson, are being dashed by a party askew from its roots.
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